Kornit Integration


Order Desk can import orders from your shopping cart(s), sync in your print details and then automatically send them on to Kornit for fulfillment. When orders are shipped, the tracking details will be sent back to Order Desk automatically.

This guide explains how to set up and use the Kornit integration.


To connect to Kornit, click on the Manage Integrations link under the Integrations menu in the left sidebar, and under the Print on Demand tab find and enable Kornit.

Alternatively, search for Kornit from the available integration search.

Enter your Kornit API Key and company ID then click to connect.

Please note that Order Desk isn’t able to help find or reset your credentials, as they can only be provided by Kornit.

Integration Settings

Once connected, you'll have some shipment and integration settings to adjust per your preferences.

Default Mail Class

Choose the mail class you want Kornit to use for your orders.

If you need to apply specific methods for certain orders, match your method names to the names Kornit uses in the Shipping Class Match section below.

After Import, Move To

Select the folder you want orders to be moved into after they are successfully sent to Kornit.

You can use one of the default folders already in your store or create your own. Read the Working with Folders guide for more information.

After Shipment, Move To

Select the folder you want orders to be moved into after Kornit sends shipment details back to Order Desk.

If Canceled, Move To

Select the folder you want orders to be moved into if they are canceled at Kornit.

Include Item Prices in Submission

Enable to send item prices to Kornit when submitting an order. 

If enabled, use the order metadata field skip_price_export set to 1 to prevent the item prices from being sent to Kornit on specific orders. Details below.

Product Settings

For more information on what these product settings within the Kornit integration are for, please refer to the Print on Demand Product Settings guide.

Shipping Class Match

If the shipping methods you set up in your shopping cart(s) don't match the shipping method names Kornit uses, they won't know what methods you intend for them to use. When this happens, the default mail class applied above will be used instead for all of your orders.

To tell Kornit what methods you want them to use, you will need to match your method names to theirs. This can be done in the shipping class match section. For detailed instructions on setting this up, please read through the shipping class match guide.

Custom Details for Kornit

Initially, getting your orders ready to send to Kornit is going to take some time before everything is in place for it to happen automatically. For detailed instructions on how to use Order Desk with your print on demand orders, please take a few moments to read the Print on Demand Fulfillment guide.

Preparing Item Details

The following fields can be set as variations or item metadata for each item in an order:

Field Name Field Value
print_sku Required. Kornit product ID.
textual_product_id Textual Product ID. Will be provided by Kornit.
print_url URL of the artwork file. For multi-location prints, use print_url_1 through print_url_7. Required if a print_design_id is not used.
print_design_id To send a print job or a print on demand job, enter the ID in this field.
print_location_x Use to set the location of the print on your item. Up to 7 (e.g. print_location_1, print_location_2)
print_preview Optional. Use print_preview or image to send a preview of artwork.
print_type The type of print. Default is 1. If print_url_2 is set, this will automatically be converted to 7. If type 2 or type 3 is used, please set print. 
size Garment size, if applicable.
color Garment color, if applicable.
print_job_ref A unique identifier linking this item to an already existing print job.
external_thumbnail_url Used for setting an external URL for your thumbnail images. Note that this will only work when print_type is set to 5.

Preparing Order Details

The following fields can be set as checkout data or order metadata to change what gets sent to Kornit:

Field Name Field Value
PackingSlip URL for the PDF to be included as the packing slip with the order. Details here.
skip_price_export If the default Include Item Prices in Submission setting is enabled above, set this field to 1 to prevent the item prices from being sent to Kornit on specific orders.

If you are unfamiliar with checkout data, please first read the How to Work with Checkout Data guide.

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