JONDO CZ Integration

Order Desk can import orders from your shopping cart(s), sync in your print details and then automatically send them on to JONDO CZ for fulfillment. When orders are shipped, the tracking details will be sent back to Order Desk automatically.

This guide will go over the JONDO CZ integration settings and features. For thorough details on how to work with your print on demand orders in Order Desk, please read through the Print on Demand Fulfillment guide.


To connect to JONDO CZ, click on the Manage Integrations link in the left sidebar. Under the Print on Demand tab find and enable JONDO CZ.

Alternatively, find and enable JONDO CZ from the available integration search.

When you receive your API connection details from JONDO, enter them in Order Desk.

Please note that Order Desk isn't able to help find or reset your credentials, as they can only be provided by JONDO CZ.

Basic Settings

Once you have successfully connected to the JONDO CZ integration, you will have some settings to go through to add your preferences.

After Import, Move To

Select the folder you want orders to be moved into after they are successfully sent to JONDO.

You can use one of the default folders already in your store or create your own. Read the Working with Folders guide for more information.

After Shipment, Move To

Select the folder you want orders to be moved into when JONDO sends tracking details back.

If Canceled, Move To

Select the folder you want orders to be moved into if they are canceled at JONDO.

Default Carrier Code

Enter the default carrier code you want to use for your orders. This will be sent as a field to JONDO CZ.

Default Carrier Service

Enter the default carrier service you want to use for your orders. This will be sent as a field to JONDO CZ.

Default Shipping Alias

The default shipping alias as supplied by your printer.

Optional Routing URL

If you're provided a routing URL from JONDO CZ, provide it here.

Postback URL

Give this URL to JONDO. They will use it to connect to your Order Desk account and send shipment details back to your orders automatically.

Remove Barcodes

If there are barcodes on your order that you don't want to be sent to JONDO CZ, select this option to remove barcodes.

Store Information

Enter the address and contact information for your store.

Product Settings

For more information on what the product settings within the JONDO integration do, please read the Print on Demand Product Settings guide.

Sending Orders to JONDO CZ

Sending orders to your printer through JONDO CZ will initially take some preparation before it can happen automatically. For complete instructions on how to use Order Desk with your print on demand orders, please take a few moments to read through the Print on Demand Fulfillment guide.

Preparing Your Orders

The following fields can be set as checkout data or order metadata to change what is sent to your printer for a specific order:

Field Name Field Description
PackingSlip The URL of the PDF to be printed and included with the shipment. Details here.
MISCode Field for storing MIS customer ID.
PrintType Default to digital. Options are: digital or litho.
PONumber Customer PO Number.
AdditionalInformation Any information to be passed into the Additional Information field.
ShippingAlias The shipping alias as supplied by your printer if different from the default. Will be used in preference to carrier code/service.
CarrierCode The name for the carrier if different from the default.
CarrierService The name for the carrier service if different from the default.
Tags Enter a tag or tags for the order. Multiple tags should be separated by comma
ShippingLabel Use to set the shipping label URL.
PackagingCard Use to set the packaging card URL.
PackagingLabel Use to set the packaging label URL.

If you are unfamiliar with checkout data, please first read the How to Work with Checkout Data guide.

Preparing Your Items

The following fields can be set as variations or item metadata for each order item:

Field Name Field Description
print_sku Your printer's product code for the item.
print_url Link to artwork file for the item.
print_location Location for artwork for multi-print items. Use print_location_1, print_location_2 to match to print_url_1, print_url_2, etc. "Front" will be used if no print_location field is added to an item.
Barcode Customer specified barcode. Can be used if the barcode is already on the artwork provided.
Binding Defaults to none. Options are: perfect, saddle, wiro, pur, threadSawn.
Folding Defaults to none. Options are: half, gate, cross, concert, z, 2, 3, none.
ShrinkWrap Enter 1 or True if the item should be shrink-wrapped.
StockID Stock ID For Lookup (stock items only)
Tags Enter a tag or tags for the order. Multiple tags should be separated by comma.
print_gift_x Add gift notes to items using print_gift_1, print_gift_2, and so on.
print_note_x If required by your JONDO CZ provider, sets the note attribute to items using print_note_1, print_note_2, and so on.
print_attributes_x Add attributes to items using the format ATTRIBUTE NAME|ATTRIBUTE VALUE
Logo Set item logo.

For print_url_x, values 1-8 are accepted. If you are only sending one printable artwork file to JONDO, you can use print_url or print_url_1.

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