Merchize Integration

Order Desk can import orders from your shopping cart(s), sync in your print details and then automatically send them to any printer using Merchize. When orders are shipped, the tracking details will be sent back to Order Desk automatically.


Integration Settings
Product Settings
Shipping Class Match
Sending Orders to Merchize
Failed Orders


To enable the integration, click on Manage Integrations in the left sidebar. Under the Print on Demand tab, find and enable the Merchize integration. 

Alternatively, search for Merchize from the available integration search.

Enter your Merchize API Key and Base URL and then click to connect.

Please note that Order Desk isn’t able to help find or reset your credentials, as they can only be provided by Merchize. If needed, you may navigate here to obtain your credentials.

Integration Settings

Once connected, you'll have some shipment and integration settings to adjust per your preferences.

View Available Products

Click this link to view all available Merchize products.

Merchize Help

Click Need Help Getting Started? for access to helpful resources for using Merchize.

After Import, Move To

Select the folder you want orders to be moved into after they are successfully sent to Merchize.

You can use one of the default folders already in your store or create your own. Read the Working with Folders guide for more information.

After Shipment, Move To

Select the folder you want orders to be moved into when Merchize sends tracking details back.

Product Settings

For more information on what these product settings within the Merchize integration are for, please refer to the Print on Demand Product Settings guide.

Sending Orders to Merchize

Getting your orders ready to send to Merchize will take some set up time. For a detailed walkthrough of how to use Order Desk with your Print on Demand orders, please read through our Print on Demand Fulfillment guide.

Item Details

The following fields can be set as variations or item metadata for each item in an order.

Field Name Field Description
product_id Unique identifier for a product. When multiple orders are created, Merchize will use this identifier to point to a single product.
print_sku Required. The SKU of the item being printed on. Available items can be viewed by clicking the View Available Products link in your Merchize integration settings.
print_url_x Link to your artwork files. Up to 4 can be used for each item, corresponding to print_location_x (e.g. print_url_1 and print_location_1).
print_location_x Sets the print location for the corresponding print_url_x. Up to 4 available (e.g. front, back, hood, sleeve).
print_preview Required. Sets the preview image.
attribute_name_x Required. Sets an attribute name (e.g. size, color) that corresponds to attribute_value_x. Up to 4 available.
attribute_value_x Required. Sets an attribute value (e.g. M, black) that corresponds to attribute_name_x. Up to 4 available.
currency Sets the currency for the item price.

Customize Order Details

You can add custom details to your orders to be passed through to Merchize. Add these details as checkout data or metadata fields. The field names must be an exact match to this table.

Field Name Field Description
tags Use this field to set tags for orders. Multiple tags must be separated by commas.
OrderID Use this field to set the order number. If no value is set in this field, the Order Desk internal order ID will be used as default.

For instructions on how to apply these fields to checkout data, please read the How to Work with Checkout Data guide.

Failed Orders

Orders that are sent to Merchize undergo a production validation process and if the validation fails, your orders might not execute the workflow set up in your Order Desk store. Merchize will contact you when orders haven’t been validated as expected.

To ensure that you have the opportunity to review or re-submit these orders, you have the option to use the rule event Order Import Failed at Merchize.

This event can be utilized to trigger rule actions that will allow you to review your failed orders (e.g. Change Folder or Tag Order) or resubmit using the Submit Order to Merchize action.

For more information on how to work with rules, please refer to the Rule Builder guide.

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