CommerceHub Integration

Order Desk can connect to your CommerceHub account and automatically download orders.

CommerceHub requires all customers to go through testing which requires our developers’ help. Due to this, there is an additional one-time fee for each CommerceHub vendor you plan to use with Order Desk. CommerceHub has their own separate setup and testing fees as well.


In Order Desk, click on Manage Integrations under the Integrations menu in the left sidebar. Under the Shopping Carts tab, find and enable CommerceHub.

Alternatively, search for CommerceHub from the available integration search.

Once enabled, add your CommerceHub FTP credentials and click to connect.

Please note that Order Desk isn’t able to help find or reset your credentials, as they can only be provided by CommerceHub.

Download Orders

Once connected, you can set your download preferences.

If you have The Home Depot Canada enabled, you will see additional fields to add your GST, HST, and QST tax registration IDs.

Check for New Orders

Select how often you want Order Desk to look for and download new orders from CommerceHub.

Folder for New Orders

Select the folder where newly imported orders from CommerceHub should be placed.

For more information, see the Working with Folders guide.

After Shipment, Move To

Select the folder you want orders to be moved into after CommerceHub sends shipment details back to Order Desk.

If Canceled, Move To

Select the folder you want orders to be moved into if they are canceled at CommerceHub.

Order ID Format

Select which number should be the order ID in Order Desk. 

If you select Combo, the order number will combine both numbers in this format: 

Customer Order Number-PO Number

Sync Tracking Numbers

If the Sync Tracking Numbers setting is enabled, Order Desk will send the shipment information back to CommerceHub automatically and update the orders there.

Send Invoices

Enable if an invoice should be sent to CommerceHub when tracking is added to an order.

Sync Inventory

Enable if you want Order Desk to sync your inventory counts back to CommerceHub.

Item SKU Style

Use this to select which SKU field you’d like to use as your SKU. Options are: shopping cart SKU, vendor SKU, merchant SKU or UPC.

Inventory Whitelist Required

If Sync Inventory is enabled, all item quantities will be sent to each vendor at CommerceHub. However, if you would like to filter which item quantities are sent to which vendors, select Inventory Whitelist Required. 

If this option is enabled, items will be skipped when inventory is synced to CommerceHub unless they have this item metadata applied telling Order Desk which items should be synced to which vendors:

Vendor Item Metadata Field Metadata Value
Belk belk_include 1
Best Buy bestbuy_include 1
BJ's Wholesale bjs_include 1
Bluestem bluestem_include 1
Costco costco_include 1
Hot Topic hottopic_include 1
JC Penney jcpenney_include 1
Lowe's lowes_include 1
Lowe's Canad lowesca_include 1
Macy's macys_include 1
QVC qvc_include 1
Staples Business Advantage US staplesadvus_include 1
The Home Depot thehomedepot_include 1
The Home Depot Canada thdca_include 1

For more information about item metadata fields to your inventory items, please see this guide.

Download Packing Slips

Select to download packing slips with the orders.

Order Prefix

If you need to, you can add a prefix of your choice that will be added to all orders downloaded from CommerceHub.

Select Vendors

Select the vendors you use with CommerceHub. This list will expand as needed. 

If you use a vendor that isn't listed yet, set up a project with CommerceHub for that vendor, and Contact Order Desk support to have it listed.

Advanced Settings

Vendor Payable Number

Enter your Hub ID Number.

Discount Type

Select your payment terms with CommerceHub.

Discount Basis Date

Select the beginning of the payment terms period.

Net Number of Days Due

Set the number of days before the invoice payment is due.

Early Payment

Set the number of days within which payment must be made in order to claim the discount.

Early Payment Discount

Add the discount percent for early payment.

Warehouse Details

Fill out your warehouse information to send shipments and invoice information to CommerceHub. These details can be found in your CommerceHub Warehouse Management.

Warehouse ID

Enter the warehouse ID from your CommerceHub dashboard.

Warehouse Name and Address

Enter the name and address of your warehouse.

Manual Imports

If you need to manually download orders, click here to import them.

Special Features

Resubmit Order Invoice to CommerceHub

When shipment details are added to a CommerceHub order and the shipment is sent to CommerceHub, Order Desk will also submit an invoice along with the shipment. If for any reason this invoice fails to submit, you can resubmit it with the Resubmit Order Invoice to CommerceHub button on the order details page:

Cancel Order at CommerceHub

If you need to cancel an order at CommerceHub, select the reason from the dropdown on the order details page:

Sending Invoices and Shipments to CommerceHub

Order Level Details

The following details can be submitted with invoices and shipments as either checkout data or order metadata.

Field Name Field Description
commercehub_invoice_id_override Use this field to override the PO Number set by default.
Width Required for Lowe's GS1-128. Specify width of shipment.
Length Required for Lowe's GS1-128. Specify length of shipment.
Height Required for Lowe's GS1-128 Specify height of shipment.
ContainerID Required for Lowe's GS1-128 Refer to CommerceHub if you're unsure what your product's ContainerID is. This will be set automatically if packing slips are downloaded to Order Desk.

If you are unfamiliar with checkout data, see the How to Work with Checkout Data guide.

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