Amazon Marketplace Integration

You can connect to any Amazon Marketplace region with Order Desk to import your Amazon, Amazon Handmade, and Amazon Custom orders. Tracking information will be sent back to Amazon as orders are fulfilled.

This guide will go over the settings and features for the Amazon Marketplace integrations. If you are looking for information about the Amazon Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF) integrations, please see this guide instead.


This guide features affiliate links. Order Desk may earn a small commission if you sign up for a service after clicking these links.

What's the difference between Amazon Marketplace and MCF?

While both the Amazon Marketplace and Amazon Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF) integrations are part of your Amazon Seller Account, the Marketplace integration is for downloading Amazon orders into Order Desk, and the MCF integration is for sending orders from Order Desk to Amazon for fulfillment.

Amazon orders that were fulfilled by MCF directly through Amazon (AFN) can be downloaded from the Marketplace Integration. The MCF integration is only used for sending orders to Amazon for fulfillment.

Make sure you are connecting to the correct integration(s) when setting up your store.

Integration Setup

To enable the Amazon Marketplace integration, click on Manage Integrations under the Integrations menu in the left sidebar:

All of the available regions can be found under the Shopping Carts tab: Amazon North America, Amazon Europe, Amazon Australia, and Amazon Japan.

Log In and Register

Complete the connection between Order Desk and your Amazon Marketplace account(s) by following the prompts in the integration.

Step 1: Log In to Amazon

Click Connect to Amazon to proceed with setting up a US Amazon store.

Alternatively, click Pick a Different Country and select the country for your marketplace store.

After you've selected the country, an Amazon permission screen will open .

Step 2: Authorize Order Desk

To connect to Amazon Marketplace, you will need to review the permissions being granted to Order Desk related to your Seller Partner account.

Once you've read through the permissions, click Confirm to complete the setup process.


Amazon has specific requirements for using their API. Only Professional Selling Accounts in good standing can integrate with Selling Partner API. Individual accounts are not eligible. This needs to be addressed directly with Amazon; Order Desk is not able to help.


Under the Settings section, choose how to set up your Amazon integration and what features you want enabled:

Select Marketplaces

Select your marketplaces to tell Amazon which ones to pull your orders from when sending them into Order Desk. Most merchants will select for North America, but if you also have country specific marketplaces or are connecting to a region other than North America, be sure to include the appropriate marketplaces for your account.

Automatically Check

Select how often to download orders from Amazon. Options include: Never, Every Day, Every Twelve Hours, Every Six Hours, Every Two Hours and Every Hour.

Folder for New Orders

Choose the folder where you would like newly downloaded orders from Amazon to be placed. If you would like to use your own custom folders, see this guide for instructions on how to create them.

Sync Inventory

Enable the Sync Inventory option to send inventory counts to Amazon Marketplace. This will report the inventory that is available in Order Desk to Amazon. Any SKUs which Amazon does not recognize will be ignored. 

There is a limitation of 40,000 SKUs that can be synced to Amazon Marketplace, and submissions with more than 40,000 items will fail. If you need to reduce the number of SKUs synced to Amazon, set an item metadata field called  amazon_skip  with a value of 1 to any inventory items that can be skipped, including those SKUs that exist as a listing with fulfillment channel set to MCF/FBA:

This can be done in bulk using an inventory import template.

Sync Tracking Numbers

If you want Order Desk to notify Amazon Marketplace when orders are fulfilled, enable the Sync Tracking Numbers setting. If tracking details are added to the order, it will be passed back immediately and the order will be marked as fulfilled in Amazon Marketplace.

Country Filter

Use two digit country codes, separated by commas, to only import orders from specific countries. 

Add a - to exclude orders from specific countries.


US,CA,MX - only import orders for the United States, Canada and Mexico.

-US,-CA,-MX (or -US,CA,MX) - import all orders except for the United States, Canada and Mexico.

Inventory Location Filter

If you only want to download specific orders, you can use the Inventory Location Filter field to specify which ones you want. Enter multiple locations separated by a comma. 

The inventory location name must match exactly as it is on your inventory items in Order Desk. When importing new orders from Amazon, Order Desk will look at the SKUs on the items and compare to the SKUs in your inventory here. Any orders with items for a location that  isn't listed in this field will not be imported.

For this to work, your inventory must be added to Order Desk. The inventory Location should be set on each item. For details, please see How to Add Inventory and How to Store Extra Item Details.

Download Shipped Orders

If you have orders in Amazon that have already shipped but you want to download them to Order Desk for your records, select the Download Shipped Orders option.

Download FBA Orders

If you send Amazon Fulfilled Orders (AFN) to FBA directly from Amazon but you still want to download these orders to Order Desk, select the Download FBA Orders option.

If you would also like to have the tracking numbers reported to Order Desk as Amazon fulfills these orders, you will need to have the MCF integration enabled in Order Desk.

IMPORTANTIf you download shipped or MCF orders, make sure you do not have any fulfillment service integration setting enabled that automatically submits all orders and that any rules you have are set up to filter out these orders. Continue reading for instructions on how you can filter these orders out of the way.

To prevent any shipped or FBA (AFN) fulfilled orders from inadvertently being sent for fulfillment a second time, make certain you do not have any other fulfillment or shipping integrations set to automatically submit all orders. You can check this by going into any other fulfillment integrations you have enabled in your store and looking for a setting like this:

If disabled, orders can only be sent manually or automatically with a rule, allowing you to filter out the orders that should not be sent for fulfillment. You can use the Rule Builder to set aside any AFN orders so they aren't sent for fulfillment as they're downloaded into Order Desk.

As an example, set up a rule to move all AFN orders to the Closed folder. The rule would specify that when an order is imported, If Order Metadata Field amazon_fulfillment_channel Equals AFN, the order should be moved to the closed folder:

Once this rule is in place, make sure any other rules submitting orders for fulfillment are not pulling orders from the folder you chose for these AFN orders.

You can also include a safety filter to exclude AFN orders in any rules that are submitting unfulfilled orders to an integration or vendor:

If Order Metadata Field amazon_fulfillment_channel Does Not Equal AFN

There are many ways to set up rules to prevent these orders from being sent for fulfillment. If you need help with this, please contact Order Desk support.

Seller Fulfilled Shipping

For marketplaces located in Canada, US, Mexico, Spain, UK, France, Germany, Italy, and India, you have the option to print Amazon labels for your Amazon orders. After agreeing to the terms of service for each carrier in Amazon Seller Central and enabling the Seller Fulfilled Shipping option in Order Desk, you'll have the option to fill out the shipping details in your Amazon Marketplace integration settings.

You will also see a new shipping label creation area below your items in the order where you can generate a shipping label. Note that this only works for Amazon orders, and you have the option to void shipping labels if needed. 

Import Orders

If you would like to import older Amazon orders, or if you have your integration set to never download new orders, you can manually import orders by entering the date in the Import Orders field and clicking Check.

This will bring in all orders that fit your saved settings, if they haven't already been downloaded to Order Desk, from that date forward. You may need to run the check a few times if you have a large number of orders. The date will gradually move forward until it reaches the present and all orders have been found and imported.

Feed Log

If you are interested in seeing the list of feeds that have been submitted to Amazon, you can click on the Get Submitted Feed Log button down at the bottom of the integration settings page:

You can click through to see the results of each feed submission, which can be helpful for debugging. This information can also be retrieved from the MWS Scratchpad.

Canceling Orders

You can cancel your Amazon Marketplace orders from within Order Desk. To do this, open up the order page and look for the cancel settings under the order totals information:

Select the reason for the cancelation from the dropdown:

Then click the Cancel Order at Amazon Marketplace button. This will start a submission process of the acknowledgement feed to Amazon. After this button is pressed, there will be a five minute delay in case any other orders are also canceled. After five minutes have passed, the feed will be submitted to Amazon and the order(s) canceled.

Special Features

With Amazon Marketplace, you can send updates to Amazon on the items in your orders if these details are stored as item metadata on your inventory items here in Order Desk. 

Field Name Field Description
Number of days for handling time.

If you're printing Amazon labels you can set the following details in the order metadata.

ShippingServiceID The default value that you'd like to use when fetching rates.
PackageWeight Overrides the price of the order's weight total.
PackageType Set a default package type.
LabelFormat Overrides the default label format.
DeliveryExperience Overrides the default delivery value.
CarrierPickup Use 0 or 1 to override the default pickup setting.
PackageWidth Overrides the default package width value.
PackageLength Overrides the default package length value.
PackageHeight Overrides the default package height value.
Currency Default is USD.
DeclaredValue Set a specific value for the package.
HazmatType Default is None. Set to LQHazmat for limited quantities of hazardous materials.

The following details can be set in the order metadata to set the ShipFrom/DispatchFrom data on your Amazon shipment.

ShipFromName Required in order to set the ShipFrom value. Sets the name of the address being shipped from.
ShipFromAddress Required in order to set the ShipFrom value. Sets the address being shipped from.
ShipFromCountry Required in order to set the ShipFrom value. Sets the country being shipped from.
ShipFromCity Sets the city being shipped from.
ShipFromZip Sets the zip being shipped from.

For information about storing item metadata, please see the  How to Work with Inventory Details guide.

Working with Multiple Amazon Marketplace Regions

If you are enabling multiple Amazon Marketplace integrations for separate regions, you may need to set up some rules and/or custom folders, depending on where these orders are being sent. Contact Order Desk support if you need help setting up these rules. 

Single Fulfillment Service

If all orders you download are going to be sent to one fulfillment service, regardless of where the orders are coming from, you can either use the integration's settings to automatically submit all orders to that service, if applicable:

Or create a rule that says to submit orders to that fulfillment service as they are imported into Order Desk:

Multiple Fulfillment Services

If your orders will be sent to multiple fulfillment services, this will require a little more set up depending on where they are going and how you determine which orders go to your separate vendors and fulfillment services.

Follow the instructions in the Submitting Orders to Amazon MCF Worldwide guide to see how those rules will look. While that guide is specific to sending orders to MCF, you can see the rule structure needed and apply it to any other integration.


Do you support Amazon Handmade?

Yes. Amazon Handmade orders will be imported by the regular Amazon Marketplace integration for the region you sell in.

If you are working with Print on Demand products, please refer to our Print on Demand Fulfillment guide for a thorough overview of how to use Order Desk with your print on demand store.

Will VAT taxes be included in orders from Amazon Marketplace?

Yes, for any orders coming in from Amazon Marketplace EU, the VAT tax will not be added on as an extra tax but will instead be included in the price. The VAT amount will also be set as a metadata field called vat_tax on the order. If you are sending these orders to Shopify for fulfillment, the VAT tax will be figured into the order total in Shopify, otherwise, you can use this metadata field if you need to include or display the VAT tax amount in any templates, exports or emails.

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