Wayfair Integration

Order Desk can download your Wayfair orders, mark orders as accepted, send tracking details back and send your daily true-up inventory feeds back to Wayfair.


To connect Wayfair to Order Desk, you will first need to contact our support team to start the process, as we will need to work with Wayfair on your behalf before you can have access to their API and manage your orders.

After we've worked with you to obtain access to Wayfair's API, you will need to do a fresh install of the Wayfair app in Order Desk. Within the Wayfair Extranet, go to Developer then Applications:

Create a new application called Order Desk. You will need the Client ID and Client Secret values to make the connection in Order Desk.

In Order Desk, click on Manage Integrations under the Integrations menu in the left sidebar. Under the Shopping Carts tab, find and enable Wayfair.

Alternatively, search for Wayfair from the available integration search.

Once enabled, choose from either a Production or Sandbox environment. Be sure to choose the same application environment that is set up in your Wayfair account, as accounts used for testing can sometimes be set up in production environments. If you're unsure, talk to your Wayfair rep.

Next, paste your Client ID and Secret Key (Client Secret) from Wayfair and click to connect.

Please note that Order Desk isn’t able to help find or reset your credentials, as they can only be provided by Wayfair.

After setting up the integration and testing that it works, Wayfair will move your account to live mode. Please stay in touch with your Wayfair contact throughout this process to ensure it is working smoothly.


Keep this set to Test while initially setting up the integration. When Wayfair switches you over to Live mode, update this to Live. After switching to Live mode, be sure to reset your access token (there's a button to do this at the bottom of the page).


The environment that was selected on the Wayfair integration connection page.


The mode of your integration connection. Please note: your integration should remain in Test mode until Wayfair has approved your account for full production access.

Check for New Orders

Select how often you want orders to be downloaded from Wayfair. Only new, unaccepted orders will be downloaded.

When downloading orders, the Wayfair packing slip will also be downloaded and the URL for it stored as checkout data on the order.

If you are unfamiliar with checkout data, please read the How to Work with Checkout Data guide.

Import Delay

If enabled, orders will not be imported until 30 minutes after they're placed. This gives time for orders to be cancelled in Wayfair before they're imported into Order Desk.

Folder for New Orders

Select the folder where newly imported orders from Wayfair should be placed.

For more information, see the Working with Folders guide.

Auto Accept Orders

If enabled, order acceptance emails will be automatically sent to Wayfair after orders are downloaded.

Sync Tracking Numbers

Enable if you want Order Desk to send tracking numbers back to Wayfair as shipment details are added in Order Desk.

Download Packing Slips

If enabled, Order Desk will download Wayfair's packing slips with your orders and store them in the order checkout data.

Download Shipping Labels

If enabled, Order Desk will download the shipping label and add it to checkout data in the ShippingLabel field.

First Import Date

Set the date from which Order Desk should start downloading orders. Any orders placed before this date will not be brought into Order Desk.

Save Shipping Account Details

If enabled, the Wayfair shipping account number will be saved as checkout data on your orders.

Check For Cancelation Requests

If enabled, the Order Desk will check for cancelation requests in your Wayfair account. In order for the cancelation requests to sync back, values for your Warehouse IDs will need to be present in the Warehouse Lookup field:

Permission from Wayfair is required for this setting to run successfully.

Manual Imports

You can manually import the last 50 orders from Wayfair by clicking this button in the integration settings.

Inventory Settings

Sync Inventory

Enable if you want Order Desk to sync your inventory counts back to Wayfair. If enabled, inventory updates will be sent to Wayfair throughout the day as they happen, with up to a 7 minute delay for batching purposes.

Send Daily True-Up Feed

Enable this option to have all of your inventory items and counts sent to Wayfair at a specific time each day.

The appointment time can be changed from your View Appointments page, accessible from the left sidebar in your Order Desk account.

Send on Weekends

If enabled, Order Desk will update Wayfair with your inventory counts on weekends.

Default Inventory Count

If you need to, you can set a default value to replace any zero-level inventory items with this value. This lets you submit non-inventoried items at a stock level such as 250 or 100.

Default Supplier ID

Set a default Supplier ID so that the proper Supplier ID (Warehouse ID) will be included when your inventory item feeds are sent to Wayfair.

Inventory Location Sync

You can tell Wayfair to upload specific inventory items by entering a location here. Inventory items that have a matching location will be uploaded to your Wayfair inventory.

For this to work, your inventory must be added to Order Desk. The inventory Location should be set on each item. For details, please see How to Add Inventory and How to Store Extra Item Details.

Warehouse Address

Add the appropriate warehouse address to be included with shipment details if you are sending cross-border orders. For more information on whether or not you need this to be included and what address to use, please speak to your Wayfair contact. 

Custom Inventory Details

Customize certain details about your inventory submission by setting item metadata values on the individual inventory items. The following fields are accepted:

Field Name Description
supplier_id If a particular item has a Supplier ID (Warehouse ID) different from the default, set it here. If the item exists in multiple warehouses, enter multiple numbers separated by a comma—put a space after the comma to avoid Excel treating this as a very large number. The quantity value will be applied to each warehouse.
wayfair_sku If you need to pass a custom value to the supplier part number field, enter it here.
backordered The quantity of items backordered. Default is 0.
on_order The quantity of items on order. Default is 0.
availability_date The date the product will become available. Default is an empty string.
discontinued Enter 1 to mark an item as discontinued. After it has already been sent once, you can remove it from Order Desk so it doesn't continue to resubmit.

For more information on working with inventory items in Order Desk, including how to store extra item details as item metadata, please read the How to Work with Inventory Details guide.

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