Amazon MCF: Settings

Amazon Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF) Guides

Integration Setup | Settings | Products and Shipping | Cancel Orders and Removal Requests | Limitations and Special Features | Common MCF Errors | Sending Orders for Fulfillment



Advanced Settings

With Order Desk, you can connect to any Amazon Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF) region to send your orders for fulfillment. Shipment information will be synced from Amazon (MCF) to Order Desk once daily.

This guide covers the settings found in the Amazon MCF integration. If you haven't enabled the connection yet, see the MCF Setup guide for details.


Once your integration is connected, the Amazon MCF settings will be available.

Default Marketplace

The default marketplace is selected when setting up the integration. If you need to change the market you initially selected, do so here. This default should be set to the primary market in which you do business in the connected MCF region.

If you need to change the region rather than the marketplace, connect that region by enabling one of the other MCF integrations. The North America, Europe, Japan, China and India regions are all separate integrations.

After Submit, Move To

Select the folder orders should be moved to after they are sent to MCF from Order Desk. Typically this is set to Prepared, but any custom folder can be used.

After Shipment, Move To

Select the folder orders should be moved to when MCF sends tracking details back to Order Desk about them. Typically this is set to Closed, but any custom folder can be used.

Default Mail Class

MCF uses three mail classes:

  • Standard (3-5 Days)
  • Expedited (2 Business Days)

Choose the default mail class you want to use for your orders. This shipping class will be used for any orders sent to MCF that aren't mapped to one of the three mail classes they use, if different from Standard, or Expedited on the order.

To set up more than one shipping method, see the Shipping Class Match section for instructions.

Automatically Send Imported Orders to Amazon MCF

If you plan to automatically submit every order to MCF for fulfillment, you can enable this setting. All orders will be sent to MCF as they come in to Order Desk.

Import all historical orders into Order Desk (if applicable), and configure your rules and preferences before enabling this. You can submit orders to MCF manually while setting up your store.

If you have any other fulfillment services, will have any orders you don't want to send to MCF, or are sending orders to more than one MCF region, keep this disabled. Use rules to submit orders to the appropriate vendor or fulfillment service instead.

If you are unfamiliar with the Rule Builder, see the How to Work with Rules guide for more information.

Advanced Settings


Some of the settings in this section are only available when connected to Amazon MCF North America.

Fulfillment Policy

MCF has three fulfillment policies:

  • Fill All: Fill all order items that can be filled and put any items that cannot be filled on hold. They will be shipped when stock comes in.
  • Fill Or Kill: If all order items cannot be filled, the order will be canceled.
  • Fill All Available: Fill all order items that can be filled and cancel any that cannot be filled.

By default, Order Desk will send orders to MCF with a Fill All policy, but this can be changed from the fulfillment policy dropdown in the Advanced Settings section.

If you would like to set the fulfillment policy on an order-by-order basis that will override your default setting, set a Checkout Data Field, found in the upper right corner of the order page.

Use AMAZON_FULFILLMENT_POLICY as the field name and set the value as FillAll, FillOrKill or FillAllAvailable:

This can also be set on orders automatically with a rule using Set Checkout Data Value as the action:

More information can be found about Amazon's fulfillment policies here

If you are unfamiliar with the Rule Builder, see the How to Work with Rules guide for more information.

Send Customer Email Address to Amazon MCF

If you want Amazon to notify your customers when their order has shipped, check the Send Customer Email Address to Amazon MCF option. Some customers do not want Amazon sending these notifications since they are branded as an Amazon shipment.

Require Blank Box

Enable this when you need your orders to be shipped in a blank box, with no Amazon branding on the package. If you're using Amazon MCF for North America and the marketplace is set to US, this is automatically enabled for all outgoing Walmart or eBay orders. 

If you only need to fulfill certain orders without the Amazon branding, you can set blank_box=1 in the order's checkout data field.

To skip the blank box requirement on an order by order basis, use SkipBlankBox=1 in the checkout data field.

Additionally this does not automatically block Amazon Logistics. To block Amazon Logistics, you will need to add block_amazon_logistics=1 or BlockAmazonLogistics=1 as checkout data.

Block Amazon Logistics

Prevent your orders from being shipped through Amazon Logistics and use an alternative instead. (UPS, FedEx, etc.) If you're using Amazon MCF for North America and the marketplace is set to US, this is automatically enabled for outgoing Walmart or eBay orders.

Allow Amazon MCF Removal Requests

Enable this setting to make removal requests. For in-depth instructions on how this works, please see the MCF: Cancel Orders and Removal Requests guide.

For more information about the products and shipping settings in the MCF integration, click through to the next guide in the MCF series: MCF: Products and Shipping.

Fetch Confirmed Shipments Only

Enable this setting to only fetch shipments for orders that have been scanned.

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