OIA Global Integration

Order Desk can import orders from your shopping cart(s), apply custom information and then submit them to OIA Global for fulfillment. When orders are shipped, the tracking details will be sent back to Order Desk and back to your shopping cart(s) if your store is set up for it.


Integration Settings
Product Settings
Shipping Class Match
Sending Orders to OIA Global
Getting Tracking Numbers
Resubmitting or Canceling an Order
Custom Settings


To connect to OIA Global, click on the Manage Integrations link in the left sidebar and under the Fulfillment tab find and enable the OIA Global integration.

Once enabled, enter the Client Code and FTP credentials that OIA Global has provided for you then click to connect.

Integration Settings

After you have connected the integration, you can apply any necessary details or preferences to the settings.


Choose the mode your store is in, either Test or Production (live)

Mail Classes

Choose the shipping classes you want OIA Global to use for your US, Canadian and international orders.

If you need to apply specific methods for certain orders, match your method names to OIA Global's names in the Shipping Class Match section below.

After Import, Move To

Select the folder you want orders to be moved into after they are successfully sent to OIA Global.

You can use one of the default folders already in your store or create your own. Read the Working with Folders guide for more information.

After Shipment, Move To

Select the folder you want orders to be moved into as OIA Global sends shipment details back to Order Desk.

Automatically Check for Shipments

If your account is set up for it, Order Desk will automatically pull in shipments from OIA Global as they send them. If you would like to speed up this process to check more often, select this option. Depending on when OIA Global prepares this information, this may or may not find shipments faster.

Automatically Send Imported Orders to OIA Global

If selected, every order that is added to Order Desk will automatically be sent to OIA Global.

Select this setting only if all orders will be sent to OIA Global. If any orders will not be sent, or if you need a delay between when an order is imported into Order Desk and when it is sent to OIA Global do not select this.

Sync Inventory

Your inventory imports will be set up by Order Desk support for you. You can enable this setting if you want to pull inventory counts back from OIA Global more often.

For more information, see the How to Work with Inventory Counts guide.

Inventory Location Name

If you want to set a specific inventory location name for the products you have at OIA Global, set that name here. As OIA Global sends back reports your custom name will be added as the location. This will only work if Sync Inventory is enabled.

Shipper Phone

Some shipment services require a phone number for anything they ship. To avoid any delays or problems with orders that may not have a number, add the backup phone number you want to use on any orders where your customer has not provided theirs.

Warehouse Number

Change the Warehouse Number if OIA Global asks you to.

DC Location

Add the DC Location if OIA Global asks you to.

Use Legacy Connection Method

Do not select this unless asked to do so by OIA Global or Order Desk. This is a legacy feature that is only used for certain customers.

Product Settings

For more information on what these product settings in the OIA Global integration are for and how to use them, read the Fulfillment Integration Product Settings guide.

Shipping Class Match

If the shipping methods you set up in your shopping cart(s) don't match the shipping method names OIA Global uses, they won't know what methods you intend for them to use. When this happens, the default mail classes applied above will be used instead for all of your orders.

To tell OIA Global what methods you want them to use, you will need to match your method names to theirs. This can be done in the shipping class match section. For detailed instructions on setting this up, please read through the shipping class match guide.

Getting Tracking Numbers

Please contact Order Desk support to configure your account to pull tracking numbers from OIA Global. We will work directly with OIA Global to set this up.

Sending Orders to OIA Global

You can send custom details about an order to OIA Global by entering the following checkout data fields. For more information about these options, please contact OIA Global.

Field Name Field Description
SalesOrderVersion Default is 1.
SalesOrderPrepend Use to add a letter or number to the front of the sales order.
SalesOrderType Use to pass sales order type. Accepted values are DTC, W, M, and SAL. Default is SAL.
PONumber The PO Number for the order if different from the Source ID.
BatchID Default is NA.
Priority Default is 15. Other options are 1, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. Lower numbers are higher priority.
FreightTerms Default is P. Other available values are C or T.
ShippingAccount Shipping Account #. Default is blank.
SignatureRequired Default is N. Enter Y to require a signature.
FutureShipDate Use to set the scheduled ship date for your order. Default is current date.
DeliveryDate Use to set the scheduled delivery date for your order. Default is current date + 3 days.
CancelDate Use to set a cancellation date. Default is current date +5 days.
IncoTerms Use to sets incoterms. Default is DDU.
Lot Use to set a lot number.

If you are unfamiliar with checkout data, please read the How to Work with Checkout Data guide.

Resubmitting or Canceling an Order

If you need to cancel an order already sent to OIA Global, or you need to edit and resubmit an order that they already received, you will need to first  contact OIA Global (email link) to let them know to cancel it.

After they cancel the original order, an order with updated information can be sent as a second version.

To do this, make any necessary edits to the order first.

Then click on Add Checkout Data Fields in the upper right corner of the order page and add SalesOrderVersion with a value of 2 to the order.

You can now resubmit the order to OIA Global.

Custom Settings

If you need to skip certain items when sending orders to OIA Global, you have a few options. 

You can split the items out into their own orders following these instructions.

You can use the Product Code Skip option to tell Order Desk which item SKUs to skip.

Or you can apply an item metadata field called  oiaglobal_skip with a value of 1 to any item that should not be sent to OIA for fulfillment:

This is a good option if you have any items where the SKUs are variable because you can create an Order Item Rule that sets this item metadata based on the item name or some other detail about the item that doesn't change. For more information about working with rules, see this guide.

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