Logicbroker Integration

Order Desk can connect to your Logicbroker account and automatically download orders.


In Order Desk, click on Manage Integrations under the Integrations menu in the left sidebar. Under the Shopping Carts tab, find and enable Logicbroker.

Alternatively, search for Logicbroker from the available integration search.

To connect to Order Desk, choose either the Production or Staging environment and enter your Logicbroker API key. Note that Order Desk cannot provide or reset your credentials and must be provided directly by Logicbroker. To retrieve your API key, log in to the Logicbroker portal and go to Settings → API Authentication.

Separate API credentials are needed for the Production Portal and Stage Portal portals.


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Check for New Orders

Select how often you want Order Desk to download orders from Logicbroker.

Folder for New Orders

Select the folder where newly imported orders from Logicbroker should be placed.

For more information, see the Working with Folders guide.

Order Import Delay

Use to set a time delay to give orders a chance to be edited prior to automatically importing to Order Desk.

Order Status

Select the status of the orders to be imported.

Sync Tracking Numbers

If the Sync Tracking Numbers setting is enabled, Order Desk will send the shipment information back to Logicbroker automatically and update the orders there.

Send Invoices

If the Send Invoices setting is enabled, Order Desk will send the invoices back to Logicbroker automatically.

Auto Accept Orders

Select to send Logicbroker acknowledgement of order receipt on import.

Sync Inventory

Select to send Order Desk inventory counts to Logicbroker.

Inventory Partner Target

Use the dropdown to select a default inventory partner to sync inventory. To sync inventory to different partners on an item by item basis, set the value on your items using the partner_id metadata field in your Order Desk inventory.

Download Packing Slips

Select to automatically download packing slips from Logicbroker with your orders.

Packing Slip Format

Once selected, packing slips will be downloaded from Logicbroker in this format by default.

Order Line Attribute Filter

Use this field to to specify item attribute names to import. Multiple values can be separated by commas. If blank, all items will be imported.

Inventory Location Filter

If you only want to download specific orders, you can use the Inventory Location Filter field to specify which ones you want. Enter multiple locations separated by a comma.

The inventory location name must match exactly as it is on your inventory items in Order Desk. When importing new orders from Logicbroker, Order Desk will look at the SKUs on the items and compare to the SKUs in your inventory here. Any orders with items for a location that isn't listed in this field will not be imported.

For this to work, your inventory must be added to Order Desk. The inventory Location should be set on each item. For details, please see How to Add Inventory and How to Store Extra Item Details.

Order Prefix

Add a prefix of your choice that will be added to all orders downloaded from Logicbroker.

Inventory Whitelist Required

Select to require inventory whitelist for items. If checked, items will require an item metadata field of logicbroker_include with a value of 1 to be synced. If left unchecked, all Order Desk inventory will be processed and new items will be created as needed.

Manual Imports

If you would rather manually import orders, you can do so by selecting a date from which to start downloading and clicking the Import Orders button.

Sending Orders to Logicbroker

Customize Order Details

You can add custom details to your orders to be passed through to Logicbroker. Add these details as checkout data or metadata fields. The field names must be an exact match to this table.

Field Name Field Description
InvoiceNumber Overrides the invoice number upon invoice creation. Default will be set by our system.
Carrier Overrides the carrier when submitting shipment back to Logicbroker. The default is the carrier of the shipment.
ShipMethod Overrides the service level when submitting shipment back to Logicbroker. The default is the shipment method of the shipment.

For instructions on how to apply these fields to checkout data, please read the How to Work with Checkout Data guide.

Preparing Your Items

The following fields can be set as variations or item metadata for each order item.

Field Name Field Description
partner_id If you’d like to set your inventory syncing partner on an item by item basis, use this field to set the value.
logicbroker_include If you have selected Inventory Whitelist Required in your Logicbroker integration settings, use this field with a value of 1 to confirm you would like an item included.
supplier_sku Use to set supplier SKU. Default is item code.
merchant_sku Merchant SKU for the item.
upc UPC for an individual item.
uom Unit of measure for an individual item. Default is EA.

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