Bender Group Integration

Order Desk can send orders directly to Bender for fulfillment, then send shipment details back into the original orders.


Integration Setup
Product Settings
Shipping Class Match
Custom Details for Bender

Integration Setup

To enable the integration, click on the Manage Integrations link in the Integrations menu in the left sidebar. Under the Fulfillment tab, find and enable Bender.

Alternatively, search for Bender from the available integration search.

Webhook Setup

In order to allow Order Desk to receive shipment notifications from Bender Group, add this URL in your Bender Group account for Order Desk notifications. Once connected, this URL will also be available in your Bender Group integration settings.


Add your Client ID and Secret and click to connect.

Please note that Order Desk isn’t able to help find or reset your credentials, as they can only be provided by Bender.


Default Shipping Method

Choose the default shipping method you want to use for your orders. This shipping method will be used for any orders sent to Bender that aren't mapped to one of the mail classes they use.

To set up more than one shipping method, scroll down to the Shipping Class Match section for instructions.

After Import, Move To

Select the folder orders should be moved to after they are sent to Bender from Order Desk. Typically this is set to Prepared, but any custom folder can be used.

After Shipment, Move To

Select the folder orders should be moved to when Bender sends tracking details back to Order Desk. Typically this is set to Closed, but any custom folder can be used.

Status Webhook URL

Use this URL at Bender to ensure that shipping status can be passed back to Order Desk. This is the same URL that can be found on the initial Bender connection page in Order Desk.

Product Settings

For more information on what the product settings within the Bender Group integration do, please read the Print on Demand Product Settings guide.

Shipping Class Match

Use the shipping class match feature to match as many different shipping methods as you offer to the specific shipping classes that Bender uses to ensure your customers are getting the closest shipping option to what they selected at checkout.

For information on how to set up your shipping preferences, please see the shipping class match guide.

Custom Details for Bender

The following fields can be set as checkout data or order metadata to add or change the details that are sent to Bender about the order.

If you are unfamiliar with checkout data, please read the How to Work with Checkout Data guide.

Field Name Field Description
PONumber Use to pass the PO Number for your order. Default value is Source ID if no value is set.
ShippingAccount Default is the Shipping Account Number in your Bender integration settings
RequestedShipDate Use to pass requested ship date.
PaymentMethod Use to indicate the payment method of the order. Accepted values are: PP (prepaid), CO (collect), or TP (third party). Default is PP if no value is set.
ConsigneeID Set consignee ID here if required.
CarrierCode Set carrier code.

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