CargoWise Integration

Order Desk can send orders directly to CargoWise for fulfillment then pull shipment details back into your orders here and send them to your shopping carts, if applicable.


Integration Setup
Inventory Syncing
Product Settings
Shipping Class Match
Sending Orders to CargoWise

Integration Setup

To enable the integration, click on the Manage Integrations link in the Integrations menu in the left sidebar. Under the Fulfillment tab, find and enable CargoWise. 

Alternatively, search for CargoWise from the available integration search.

Once enabled, select the environment you would like to enable (Production for live orders, Sandbox for testing), enter your API Key and Default Warehouse Code provided to you by Logistics Plus, then click Connect.

Please note that Order Desk isn't able to help find or reset your credentials, as they can only be provided by Logistics Plus.


After Import, Move To

Select the folder orders should be moved to after they are sent to CargoWise from Order Desk.

After Shipment, Move To

Select the folder orders should be moved to when CargoWise sends tracking details back to Order Desk.

If Canceled, Move To

Select the folder orders should be moved to if they are canceled at CargoWise.

Default Mail Class

Select the default mail class you want CargoWise to use. The shipping method you select will be used for all orders where the method on the order does not match any of CargoWise's shipping method names.

If you need to apply specific methods for certain orders, match your method names to CargoWise's names in the Shipping Class Match section below.

Send Customer Email Address to CargoWise

Select this option if you want the customer's email address to be included with the order details that are sent to CargoWise.

Automatically Send Imported Orders to CargoWise

If you plan to automatically submit every order to CargoWise for fulfillment, you can enable this setting. All orders will be sent as they come in to Order Desk.

If you have any other fulfillment services or will have any orders you don't want to send to CargoWise, keep this disabled. Use rules to submit orders to the appropriate vendor or fulfillment service instead.

Inventory Syncing

Sync Inventory

If you would like CargoWise to send inventory reports to Order Desk, enable this setting. If enabled, your stock counts will be pulled into Order Desk on the interval selected in the next setting.

Sync Update Interval

If Sync Inventory is enabled, select the interval you would like Order Desk to pull in inventory updates from CargoWise.

Inventory Location Name

By default, inventory updates will add CargoWise as the location name on each item updated. If you would like to override this to use a different name, add that here.

Product Settings

For more information on what these product settings in the CargoWise integration are for and how to use them, read the Fulfillment Integration Product Settings guide.

Shipping Class Match

If the shipping methods you set up in your shopping cart(s) don't match the shipping method names CargoWise uses, they won't know what methods you intend for them to use. When this happens, the default mail classes applied above will be used instead for all of your orders.

To tell CargoWise what methods you want them to use, you will need to match your method names to theirs. This can be done in the shipping class match section. For detailed instructions on setting this up, please read through the shipping class match guide.

Sending Orders to CargoWise

Preparing Your Orders

The following fields can be set as checkout data or order metadata to specify what gets sent to CargoWise on each order.

Field Name Field Value
warehouseCode Overrides the default warehouse code provided during the setup process.
PONumber Use if you'll need to set your own PO number.
requiredShipDate Use this to set a specific ship date.
Carrier Carrier code override value
ServiceLevel Service level override value
WarehouseServiceLevel Service level override value. This is a 3 character code that must be set up in CargoWise.
Notes Any notes that you want to send along with the order, including Shipping Account details
IncoTerm Use to set the international commercial term value.
SalesChannel Use to set the sales channel.
ReferenceKeyx Use to pass order reference data. Up to 5, must be paired with ReferenceValuex (e.g. ReferenceKey1/ReferenceValue1, ReferenceKey2/ReferenceValue, etc.).
ReferenceValuex Use to pass order reference data. Up to 5, must be paired with ReferenceKeyx (e.g. ReferenceKey1/ReferenceValue1, ReferenceKey2/ReferenceValue, etc.).

If you are unfamiliar with checkout data, see the How to Work with Checkout Data guide.

Preparing Your Items

The following fields can be set as variations or item metadata for each order item.

Field Name Field Description
quantityUnit Set a different quantity unit. (Default is UNT)
cargowise_quantity_divisor Set this field to with a numerical value that will be used as a divisor for the stock counts Order Desk receives from CargoWise. Use a value less than 1 if you want to use this field as a multiplier (e.g. a value of .5 will multiply item counts by 2).
storageLocation Use to set a specific storage location.

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