Walmart Integration

Order Desk can connect to your United States, Canada or Mexico Walmart Marketplace account or to your United States Walmart Drop Ship Vendor (DSV) account, then download and acknowledge your orders. As orders are fulfilled, shipment details will be sent back to Walmart.



Please note that Canada DSV and Mexico DSV are not supported at this time.

You can connect to either Walmart Marketplace or Walmart DSV with the Walmart integration. If you need to connect to both, you will first have to create a second Order Desk store to set up a second Walmart integration. Instructions for creating a new store can be found here.

To enable the integration in Order Desk, click on Manage Integrations in the left sidebar. Under the Shopping Carts tab, look for and enable the Walmart integration.

Once enabled, choose the country and account type, then follow the instructions below for either Marketplace or DSV.

Marketplace Instructions

To retrieve your API Keys, please login to the Walmart Developer Center and click on the API Keys page.

Under the My API Key section, copy the Client ID and Client Secret keys and paste them into Order Desk.

DSV Instructions

To connect a Walmart DSV account, login to the Walmart Supplier Center and follow these steps:

  1. Click on Settings in the upper right corner.
  2. Click on Distribution Facility to find your Distributor ID.
  3. Click on API Keys to locate your Client ID and Client Secret.

Order Desk can only download from a single Distributor ID in a single store. If you need to download from a second Distributor ID, you will need to create a second Order Desk store.

Integration Settings

Once connected, set your download preferences so Order Desk knows which orders you want imported.

Check For New Orders

Select how often you want orders to be downloaded, up to one hour.

Walmart requires that new orders are acknowledged within one hour after they have been placed. As soon as an order has been downloaded to Order Desk it will be acknowledged at Walmart.

Orders to Download

Select which orders you want Order Desk to download.

If an order is not yet released and in Walmart's "Created" status, it will not be downloaded.

Ship Node Type

Specify which types of orders you would like to import from Walmart (Seller Fulfilled, WFS Fulfilled, or 3PL Fulfilled). This option is only available when you've connected the integration as a Marketplace account.

Folder for New Orders

Select the folder where newly imported orders from Walmart should be placed.

For more information, see the Working with Folders guide.

Sync Inventory

Enable to have Order Desk send your inventory numbers to Walmart.

By default the unit of measurement for these updates will be EACH. If you need to have a different unit, set go into the inventory item(s) here in Order Desk and add item metadata called "uom" with the value set as your custom unit of measurement.

Please note, Walmart DSV requires the GTIN for your items in place of the SKU. The GTIN can be passed to Walmart DSV in your item metadata using the field name gtin.

For more information on Order Desk inventory, see the How to Work with Inventory Details guide.

Order Number Format

Select which number should be the order ID in Order Desk.

If you select Combo, the order number will combine both numbers in this format:

Customer Order Number-PO Number

Fulfillment Lag Time

This is the number of days you expect it to take from when you receive an order until you plan to ship it.

The default number is set to 2 days. Edit this if you expect a different time frame for your fulfillment, as Walmart requires this data from each store and will expect you to meet your own time frame.

Distributor ID (DSV Only)

If you need to change your Distributor ID, do so here.

Order Prefix

If you need your order numbers to have a prefix on them when they are imported into Order Desk, set that prefix here.

Ship From Country

Sets the shipping country of origin when submitting fulfillment details back to Walmart.

Check for Canceled Orders

Enable this setting if you want Order Desk to check Walmart for orders that have been canceled.

This check will run twice a day. If an order that has already been downloaded into Order Desk has since been canceled, a new event will run in Order Desk (Walmart Order Canceled), and the admin of the store will be emailed a notification.

You can use the Walmart Order Canceled event to set up rules to take action on these canceled orders. No actions will be taken on these orders unless there is a rule to do so, though the email notification to the admin will happen automatically and does not need a rule.

As an example, you may want to move the orders into the Canceled Folder.

If you aren't familiar with rules, please see the Rule Builder guide.

If the order has already been sent for fulfillment, you will need to follow up with your fulfillment service to make sure it gets canceled in time. This is typically a manual process and cannot be done automatically by Order Desk or with a rule. For more information, please see the How to Cancel an Order guide.

Check for Returned Orders

If enabled, Order Desk will check three times a day for initiated order returns with Walmart. If any are found, they will be noted with order and item metadata.

Item metadata may include the walmart_returned_reason and walmart_returned_quantity fields.

Order metadata may include the walmart_returned, walmart_return_order_id, walmart_return_tracking_number, walmart_all_items_returned and walmart_return_order_id_first fields.

Use the Walmart Order Returned rule event to have Order Desk take action on returned orders.

Manually Import Orders

Order Desk can download orders manually if you click this import button.

Orders will download based on the Orders to Download setting. If you need to pull in orders with a different status, change your setting first, then manually download orders.

Special Features

The following fields can be set as checkout data or order metadata to your Walmart orders.

Field Name Field Value
ship_from_country Manually overrides the country value set in the integration settings above.

If you are unfamiliar with checkout data, see the How to Work with Checkout Data guide.

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