DB Global Logistics - Australia Integration

DB Global Logistics has integrations for North American and Australian fulfillment centers. Order Desk can connect to both DB Global Logistics integrations to send your orders for fulfillment. 

Note: Each DB Global Logistics integration needs its own connection and individual setup depending which location will be doing the fulfillment. Make sure you connect to one or both of the versions of DB Global Logistics you need. This guide covers only DB Global Australia, as the North American fulfillment center may have slightly different settings.


Integration Settings
Product Settings


To connect to DB Global Logistics, click on the Manage Integrations link in the left sidebar and under the Fulfillment tab find and enable the DB Global Logistics Australia. If you need both activated, go through this process for each version of the integration. 

Alternatively, search for DB Global Logistics from the available integrations and choose the Australia option.

Add your Customer Name and Customer Order Prefix to connect DB Global Australia to Order Desk.

Integration Settings

After you have connected the integration, you can apply your preferences in the settings.

Sender Business

The name of the business or organization you'll be sending your orders from. 

Default Carrier Name

Enter a carrier name here as your default method. This information will be sent as a field to DB Global Logistics.

Default Service Name

Enter a service name here as your default method. This information will be sent as a field to DB Global Logistics.

After Import, Move To

Select the folder you want orders to be moved into after they are successfully sent to your fulfillment provider through DB Global Logistics.

You can use one of the default folders already in your store or create your own. Read the Working with Folders guide for more information.

After Shipment, Move To

Select the folder you want orders to be moved into as your fulfillment provider sends shipment details back to Order Desk from DB Global Logistics.

Automatically Send Imported orders to DB Global Australia

If selected, every order that is added to Order Desk will automatically be sent to your fulfillment provider through DB Global Logistics.


DB Global Logistics Australia allows you to set default weight, length, width and height dimensions for your orders.

Product Settings

For more information on what these product settings in the DB Global Logistics integration are for and how to use them, read the Fulfillment Integration Product Settings guide.

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