Shopify Integration

Order Desk can connect to your Shopify store and import your orders. As orders are fulfilled, shipment details can be sent back to Shopify.

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Shopify Settings
Manual Imports
Custom Features


To connect to your Shopify store from Order Desk, click on  Manage Integrations in the left sidebar. Under the Shopping Carts tab, look for and enable the Shopify integration.

Click the Connect to Shopify button, afterward you'll be redirected to our app store listing in Shopify where you can install our integration.

If you're seeing issues with Shopify not connecting to your Order Desk store, specifically with the login page looping you back onto the connection page, click the specified link to disconnect your integration and try again. You'll need to log out of your Shopify store and Disable the connection before trying again. 

If you need to connect to more than one Shopify store in Order Desk, create a new Order Desk store for each additional Shopify connection.

Shopify Settings

Once enabled, set your preferences in the Shopify integration.

Instant Download

If Instant Download is enabled, your orders will immediately come into Order Desk as they are placed. If this setting is disabled, orders will not import instantly but can still be brought in on a regular appointment using the Backup Check Schedule.

Backup Check Schedule

The backup check schedule will tell Order Desk to check for orders on a scheduled appointment. Options are Never, Every 7 Days, Every Day (once every 24 hours), Every Twelve Hours, Every Six Hours, Every Two Hours, Every Hour. When this backup check runs, it will look for any orders that may have been missed and pull them in. This is also useful for stores that need to disable instant download but still regularly pull in their Shopify orders.

Order Import Delay

Choose a timeframe from when an order is received to when it gets downloaded into Order Desk. When an order is created and ready to be imported, it will not download into Order Desk until the set time has expired. This allows you to make any necessary changes to an order before its imported. Backup Check Schedule should also be enabled when using this setting. 

Download These Orders

Choose which orders from Shopify you want Order Desk to download based on their status. You can either download Open, Closed, Canceled or All orders. The fulfillment and financial status settings will also be applied so that all three criteria must be met for an order to download.

If you choose to download Closed, Canceled or All orders, be careful not to submit them for fulfillment to any of your other integrations, or send them to any vendors or export templates, unless you specifically intend to. You may need to set up rules to filter your orders by status on import to make sure they are sent to the right folders and not fulfilled a second time.

Fulfillment Status

Choose which orders from Shopify you want Order Desk to download based on their fulfillment status. You can choose to download Unshipped Orders, Unshipped and Partially Shipped Orders, Shipped Orders Only, Partially Shipped Orders Only, or Shipped and Unshipped Orders (All).

The order status and financial status settings will also be applied so that all three criteria must be met for an order to download.

Financial Status

Choose which orders from Shopify you want Order Desk to download based on their Financial status. You can choose to download Any Status, Pending, Authorized, Partially Paid, Paid, Partially Refunded, Refunded, Voided, or Facebook Authorized.

The order status and fulfillment status settings will also be applied so that all three criteria must be met for an order to download.

If you choose to download any orders that are not paid, please make sure your store is not set up to automatically send them for fulfillment unless you intend to. You may need to create rules to filter your orders what folder they need to go in based on their financial status.

Folder for New Orders

Choose the folder where you would like newly downloaded orders from Shopify to be placed. If you would like to work with your own custom folders, please read this guide for how to create them.

Sync Tracking Numbers

If you want Order Desk to notify Shopify when orders are fulfilled, enable the Sync Tracking Numbers setting. If tracking details are added to the order, it will be passed back to Shopify immediately and the order will be marked as fulfilled in Shopify.

Make sure your Shopify orders are set to manual fulfillment (not automatic fulfillment) and that your orders remain unfulfilled until Order Desk passes the shipment information back. If any items have already been marked as fulfilled, Shopify will not let Order Desk update those orders. If you have a fulfillment service connected to your products or orders in Shopify, Shopify might ignore Order Desk's fulfillment updates because it is expecting the fulfillment service to update the order instead.

Email Shopify Customer

Enable the Email Shopify Customer setting if you would like Order Desk to tell Shopify to email your customers when fulfillment information is passed back. If disabled, Shopify will not email your customers as orders are fulfilled.

If you prefer, you can notify your customers about their tracking details with an email from Order Desk instead.

Sync Inventory

If you want Order Desk to sync your inventory availability back to Shopify, enable the Sync Inventory setting. As inventory counts are updated here, Order Desk will pass those numbers back over to Shopify.

If this setting is enabled, you will also need to tell Shopify to track the inventory. There is a setting on each product in Shopify called Inventory policy. Choose Shopify tracks this product's inventory so Order Desk can sync the inventory counts back to Shopify and Shopify will update it.

Default Location

Shopify sets a different inventory location for each of your fulfillment services. These are added and can be modified in Shopify from Settings > Shipping > Additional shipping methods

If you have Sync Inventory enabled, Shopify requires that we specify which of your inventory locations we are sending the updates to for your products.

If all of your orders are coming into Order Desk and being fulfilled from here, you should not need any additional shipping services or locations added in Shopify, and your fulfillment should be set to Manual. You'll see your address as the only option in the Inventory Location dropdown in the Shopify settings in Order Desk, followed by the ShopifyLocationID:

If you have added any additional locations in Shopify, you will see those listed in this dropdown. You must choose the location that matches the products and orders you are sending into Order Desk for us to be able to sync your inventory back to Shopify.

If you have orders for more than one location coming into Order Desk, you will need to specify the ShopifyLocationID for each of your products in your Order Desk inventory. This way Order Desk will know which location you have specified each item for in Shopify and your inventory can be synced back to each without errors.

To do this, if you haven't already,  add your inventory to Order Desk. Each inventory item will need the ShopifyLocationID (the number following the inventory location name in your settings) added as metadata:

Order Number Format

Within Shopify, there is an option to customize the prefix and suffix of order numbers. This can be found by going to Settings > General > Standards and formats.

If your order numbers have a prefix or suffix set in Shopify that you want Order Desk to retain when orders are downloaded, select Using Prefix and Suffix for the Order Number Format setting, otherwise select Simple to use Shopify's default order numbers and ignore any prefix or suffix.

If you need your orders numbers to not have a #, you can either remove the # in Shopify and/or set this to Simple.

The same order can be downloaded twice if this setting is changed when orders are already in Order Desk. This happens because the order number has been changed to include or exclude the #. To prevent duplicate orders, make sure your order status is Open and your fulfillment status is Unshipped. As orders are updated (fulfilled) in Shopify, duplicates will not download.

Item Name Style

Select if you would rather Order Desk show the full variant title or the item title alone for the items in your Shopify orders.

First Import Date

Any orders previous to the date set here will not import into Order Desk.

Vendor Filter

If you only want to download specific orders, you can use the Vendor Filter field to specify which ones you want. Enter multiple vendors separated by a comma. The vendor name must match exactly as it is in Shopify.

Any orders with items for a vendor who isn't listed in this field will not be imported.

For information on how to set vendors in Shopify, please refer to this guide.

Country Filter

Use two digit country codes, separated by commas, to only import orders from specific countries. 

Add a - to exclude orders from specific countries.


US,CA,MX - only import orders for the United States, Canada and Mexico.
-US,-CA,-MX (or -US,CA,MX) - import all orders except for the United States, Canada and Mexico.

Inventory Location Filter

If you only want to download specific orders, you can use the Inventory Location Filter field to specify which ones you want. Enter multiple locations separated by a comma.

The inventory location name must match exactly as it is on your inventory items in Order Desk. When importing new orders from Shopify, Order Desk will look at the SKUs on the items and compare to the SKUs in your inventory here. Any orders with items for a location that isn't listed in this field will not be imported.

For this to work, your inventory must be added to Order Desk. The inventory Location should be set on each item. For details, please see How to Add Inventory and How to Store Extra Item Details.

Order Prefix

If you need to add a prefix to your orders as they are downloaded to Order Desk, set that here.

Keep in mind that if you have the same prefix from this field also set up in Shopify and it is being pulled in with your orders because the Using Prefix and Suffix setting is enabled, it will be added to the order number twice.

Do Not Import Taxes

If VAT taxes are already included in your prices, select Do Not Import Taxes to prevent taxes from being added back into the order totals again as your orders are downloaded.

If you need to separate out the taxes from the prices in your orders, this can be done with the VAT receipt template.

Download Order & Product Metafields

Order Desk can download your Shopify product and order metafields if the Download Order & Product Metafields option is selected. Please keep in mind that this will increase the amount of data being sent through the API and can prevent some orders with more fields from being downloaded if they exceed Shopify's rate limits. If you have a lot of data or are finding that some orders won't download, disable this setting.

Download Product Variant Metafields

Order Desk can download your Shopify product variant metafields if the  Download Product Variant Metafields option is selected. As with the Order & Product Metafields option, this will increase the amount of data being sent through the API and can slow down imports and cause rate limiting issues. If you aren't sure if you need these options enabled, it's best to keep them disabled. 

Download Order Risk Info

Shopify gives a score to orders to indicate the likelihood of fraud. If Download Order Risk Info is enabled, this score will be added to the metadata on orders and can be used to set up a rule to flag any high risk orders.

For detailed instructions on how to set up risk rules, please  see our Shopify Risk Scores for Fraudulent Orders guide.

Download Order Localized Data

Select to download localized country specific information (e.g. CPF, Codice Fiscale, PEC, Customs Code, Resident ID).

Download Shopify Shipments

In some cases, an Order Desk store may need to be notified if an order is fulfilled in Shopify. If the download Shopify shipments option is enabled, any time an order is marked as fulfilled in Shopify, the shipment info will be passed through to and updated on the order in Order Desk. If no tracking number is added to the order in Shopify, "N/A" will be added as the tracking number in Order Desk.

Show a Shopify Export Button

If you are sending orders to Shopify, you can select the Show a Shopify Export Button option to have a submit to Shopify button appear on your orders:

For more information, please read the Sending Orders to Shopify guide.

Automatically Split Orders for Multiple Vendors

Select the Automatically Split Orders for Multiple Vendors option if you need to split your orders by the vendor name set on your products in Shopify.

For detailed information on how to set up vendor splitting with Shopify, please read this guide.

Manual Imports

You can manually import your orders or inventory items from Shopify at any time. You'll see the option to do so on the right side of the Shopify settings page.

Manually Import Orders

To manually import orders, enter the date from which the download should start and click the Import Now button. Order Desk will look through 25 orders from the date and time set when this button is clicked and import any that meet the conditions selected in your settings

Once the results come back, you can continue to search the next batch of 25 orders by clicking the Import Next Group button:

Let the search run and return results before clicking the button again, but as long as there are more orders to search, you can continue to click the Import Next Group button as many times as you need.

Schedule Import

If you need to go back to a previous date and import a large number of orders, or if you have a few orders spread out over time that need to be imported, you can schedule an import from a previous date that will run in the background, finding all missed orders, until the search catches back up to the current date. 

To do this, you will need to have the Backup Check Schedule enabled. When enabled, you will see the Schedule Import button next to the Import Now button:

Set the date and timestamp back to the earliest you want Order Desk to start searching and click the Schedule Import button. 

This will start a search in the background on your store that looks through batches of 25 orders at a time and imports any missed orders that meet the import and download conditions from your settings. Depending on how far back you are searching and how many orders your store has, this can take several minutes, hours or days to complete, but it will eventually catch up to the current date and should bring in all missed orders. 

Make sure your First Import Date doesn't conflict with the date you set in this field.

Manually Import Inventory Items

If you need to import your inventory items from Shopify, click the Import Inventory Items Now button:

Doing so will trigger a pop-up that allows you to select additional options before proceeding:

If you have any inventory items in Shopify that aren't being tracked or you have inventory sync turned off, select the Include Untracked Products option to bring your items in. If your items have a vendor set in Shopify and would like to set that vendor information as the Item Location, select Use Item Vendor as Location.

For more information on items being tracked by inventory, scroll up to the Inventory Syncing section.

Once your items are in Order Desk, you can find them in your inventory. For more information on working with inventory in Order Desk, please read this guide.

Custom Features

Shopify and ShipBob

If you use Shopify’s native ShipBob app but also send some orders into Order Desk, you may find that the tracking Order Desk adds doesn't show up in Shopify. This is because the ShipBob fulfillment method in Shopify requires all fulfillments to be completed before tracking can be added, even for orders that are fulfilled elsewhere.

To fix this, set ShopifyFulfillmentComplete|1 as either checkout data or metadata to any orders that come from Shopify. When the shipment is added in Order Desk, this will allow Order Desk to complete the order in Shopify and add the tracking information to it.

This can be set up with a rule that says:

Order is Imported
If Order Source Equals Shopify
Set Checkout Data Value - 

If you are unfamiliar with checkout data, please read the How to Work with Checkout Data guide.

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