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Overstock Integration

Order Desk can connect to your Overstock account and automatically download orders.


To begin, click on Manage Integrations from the left sidebar in Order Desk. Under the Shopping Carts tab, find and click to enable Overstock.

If you haven't already, contact to request your Supplier Oasis API username and API password.

Select your store environment, and enter your API credentials and warehouse details then click to connect.

Unauthorized Error and Credential Update

Overstock API credentials expire every three months. When this happens, orders will stop importing, and you will get an email from Order Desk with the following error:

We recently attempted to perform this automatic action for you: Check Overstock For New Orders. Unfortunately, we have had 8 unsuccessful attempts and the automatic retry will no longer be performed.

This is the most recent message we received: Invalid Return: Unauthorized

Get a new Supplier Oasis API Username and Password from Overstock, then in Order Desk, click the Disconnect button to reset your integration. 

Add your updated credentials and reconnect.


Once connected, you can set your integration preferences.


Displays whether store is in Test or Live mode.

Once testing is completed, you can disconnect the integration by clicking on the Disconnect button at the bottom of the integration settings, then re-enable the integration using your Live credentials.

Check for New Orders

Select how often you want Order Desk to look for and download new orders from Overstock.

Folder for New Orders

Select the folder where newly imported orders from Overstock should be placed.

For more information, see the Working with Folders guide.

Imported Price Field

Choose from Item Price or Retailer Price to import as the price field. 

Sync Tracking Numbers

If the Sync Tracking Numbers setting is enabled, Order Desk will send the shipment information back to Overstock automatically and update the orders there.

Send Invoices

If the Send Invoices setting is enabled, Order Desk will send invoices to Overstock automatically.

Sync Inventory

If you want Order Desk to sync your inventory availability back to Overstock, enable the Sync Inventory setting.

Warehouse Filter

If you want Order Desk to filter incoming orders by warehouse name, set those values here in a comma separated list. Using "-" at the start of the list will invert the setting to import all except for those warehouses.

Manually Import Orders

If you would rather manually import orders, you can do so by clicking the Import button.

Inventory Sync Settings

If inventory syncing is enabled in your integration settings, Order Desk will automatically set the warehouse code from your credentials on the items as they sync.

If you would like to override the default warehouse code, use the overstock_warehouse_code field on your inventory items with your desired code as the value.

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