Foxy Integration
Order Desk can pull in your Foxy orders, process them and send them for fulfillment based on the settings you choose. As orders are fulfilled, the tracking details will be sent back to Foxy.
To connect to your Foxy account, click on Manage Integrations in the left sidebar. Under the Shopping Carts tab, look for and enable the Foxy integration.
Once enabled, click the Connect To Foxy button. You will be redirected to Foxy so you can sign in and authorize the Order Desk app.
Integration Settings
Once authorized, there will be a few preferences you can set in Order Desk.
Check For New Orders
Choose how often you want Order Desk to pull new orders in from Foxy. The most frequent check is for every hour.
If you would like to have orders imported into Order Desk instantly, you will need to point your Foxy datafeed to Order Desk following the instructions below.
Folder for New Orders
Choose the folder where orders should be moved into as they are pulled into Order Desk from Foxy..
You can choose the default New folder for this, or create your own folders in your Store Settings. Read the Working with Folders guide for more information.
Order Prefix
If you need to add a prefix to your orders as they are downloaded to Order Desk, set that here.
Download Archived Orders
Select this setting for Order Desk to look for archived orders in addition to new orders.
Import Orders
If you would like to manually import orders from a specific date or instead of letting them automatically download, do so from here. Set the date you want Order Desk to start looking for orders.
Orders will be downloaded 50 at a time, so depending on how far back you search or how many orders you have had since that date, you may have to run several searches as the date moves forward each 50 orders.
Datafeed Settings
When you first connect to Foxy, your datafeed will not be pointed to Order Desk by default. Your Foxy datafeed can only be used for a single purpose, so if you are already using it in Foxy with another app, you may not want to point it to Order Desk.
If you want to point it to Order Desk, click the Point Datafeed To Order Desk button. When connected, orders will download instantly from Foxy to Order Desk, regardless of the Check For New Orders setting.
If your datafeed is pointed to Order Desk, you will see a green message confirming it.
If you need to use the datafeed for something else you can disable it from here by clicking Unhook Datafeed.
Custom Tools
The Foxy integration comes with a few custom tools to help you better manage your store and your subscriptions from Foxy. To access these tools, look under the Custom Tools menu in the left sidebar. The information shown here is a view into your Foxy account.
Each page will be covered below.
Build Foxy Order
To add new orders in Foxy, click on Build Foxy Order. Add your order, item and customer details then click Continue to create the order. It will be added to both Order Desk and Foxy.
From the Subscriptions page, you can see your Foxy subscriptions and filter them with a few different fields to gain more insight, including searching by the customer's first name, last name or email address.
Select if you want to display all of your Active and/or Inactive subscriptions.
Select if you want to display all subscriptions or past due subscriptions only.
From the Order dropdown, choose the order in which you want the subscriptions displayed first from the choices Next Date, Start date, End Date, Past Due Amount or First Failed Transaction
Search the frequency. This must match the format seen in the Freq column of your subscriptions: 1m, 2m, 2d, .5m, etc.
Cancel or Update Subscriptions
If you need to change or cancel a subscription you can do so from here.
Select the subscription, enter a date if necessary, then choose the option you want to apply to the subscription. This changes the subscription information in Foxy as well.
Download All Subscriptions
Download subscriptions from Foxy by clicking the Export All Subscriptions to CSV button.
These details are from Foxy, not from Order Desk. The information in the exported file cannot be altered from or by Order Desk. For a more specific subscription export, you will need to create a custom export template instead and export it from Order Desk by first searching for the subscriptions you want exported.
Click on the name of a customer, the email icon or the edit icon to access or edit their address information.
Click on the Orders button next to their name to display all of their orders in Order Desk.
Email Reminders
Click Add New Reminder Email to create an email template to be sent to customers with failed subscription payments.
You can choose how many days after the failed payment to send the notice and edit the subject and message of the email here.
Datafeed Simulator
If you have or are a developer building an integration to Order Desk, you can use the Datafeed Simulator to get the XML for Foxy orders.
Enter the Transaction ID (order number) to pull up the XML as either formatted or raw data.
If you are building your own integration and need to test your endpoint, you can send the XML to your endpoint from here.
Add your Datafeed URL to the results section and click Send XML. The XML will be sent to your endpoint and the response will be displayed.
API Browser
Foxy has supplied API information for merchants to gain more insight into their store data using the API Browser. Learn more about the details that are going on behind the scenes by searching your orders or subscriptions, among other data in the API.