Weebly Integration

If you have an online store with Weebly, use Order Desk to automatically import orders through the Weebly integration.


To begin, click on Manage Integrations from the left sidebar in Order Desk. Under the Shopping Carts tab, find and click to enable Weebly.

Alternatively, search for Weebly from the available integration search.

After you have enabled the Weebly integration in Order Desk, head into your Weebly account. Find the Order Desk app in the apps section. Enable the app and connect to your account.


Once connected, set your preferences in the Weebly settings.

Instant Download

If Instant Download is enabled, your orders will immediately come into Order Desk as they are placed. If this setting is disabled, orders will not import instantly but can still be brought in on a regular appointment using the Backup Check Schedule.

Backup Check Schedule

The backup check schedule lets you set an appointment for Order Desk to regularly check Weebly for any orders that may have been missed during the instant download. Choose the frequency you want the appointment to run from the dropdown.

Folder for New Orders

Choose the folder where new orders should be placed as they come in from Weebly. You can use the default New folder, or create your own custom folder from your Store Settings.

Sync Tracking Numbers

If enabled, shipment details will be passed back to the original order in Weebly as they are added to Order Desk.

Sync Inventory

If you want Order Desk to notify Weebly when orders are fulfilled, enable the Sync Tracking Numbers setting. If tracking details are added to the order, it will be passed back to Weebly immediately and the order will be marked as fulfilled in Weebly.

Order Email Address

Use to set either the Billing email address or Shipping email address for your orders.

Inventory Location Filter

If you only want to download specific orders, you can use the Inventory Location Filter field to specify which ones you want. Enter multiple locations separated by a comma.

The inventory location name must match exactly as it is on your inventory items in Order Desk. When importing new orders from Weebly, Order Desk will look at the SKUs on the items and compare to the SKUs in your inventory here. Any orders with items for a location that isn't listed in this field will not be imported.

For this to work, your inventory must be added to Order Desk. The inventory Location should be set on each item. For details, please see How to Add Inventory and How to Store Extra Item Details.

Order Prefix

If you would like to set a prefix on all orders brought into Order Desk from Weebly, set that here.

First Import Date

Any orders previous to the date set here will not import into Order Desk.

Download Extra Item Details

Order Desk can pull in extra details about your Weebly items, such as the thumbnail image, if this is selected.

Please note that enabling this can cause a small delay with importing orders instantly.

Manual Import

If you would rather manually import orders, you can do so by clicking the Import Last 25 Orders button.

Download All Orders

If you need to download all of your historical orders, please contact Order Desk support.

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