PayPal Integration

The Order Desk PayPal integration can be used to refund your payments. If PayPal is your shopping cart, you can also configure the integration to download your orders from PayPal directly into Order Desk.


To set up your PayPal integration, you will need to generate some API keys inside of your PayPal account and paste them into the Order Desk integration. Please note that API keys are not available on personal PayPal accounts. You will need to upgrade to a business account.

Click the Profile button at the top of your screen and select Profile and settings:

Then click My Selling Tools in the sidebar and click Update next to the API access section.

Scroll to the NVP/SOAP API Integration and click Request API credentials or View API Signature.

On the next screen you will select Request API signature and click Agree and Submit. If you already created a signature you can use the details found on this page. If you've previously created a certificate, however, you'll have to remove the certificate in order to create a signature. Be sure the certificate isn't being used for anything since it will no longer work.

Finally copy and paste the the username, password, and signature into the Order Desk setup page.


If the transaction took place with the PayPal gateway, you’ll see a refund/capture box on the order detail page.

Refer to the Refunding and Capturing Payments article to read more about Order Desk’s payment processing capabilities.

Importing Orders

If you’ve enabled the PayPal Order Import feature, you’ll be able to schedule imports of your orders from PayPal into Order Desk. If you want to import your PayPal orders faster, put the provided IPN URL into the  IPN settings page in PayPal. Whenever the IPN hits Order Desk it will schedule an import at the next appointment run (usually within 5 minutes).

Order Desk downloads ALL transactions from PayPal (except transfer transactions). The integration saves a lot of order metadata so you may want to set up some rules based on your particular order needs.

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