Shein Integration

Order Desk can connect to your Shein store and import your orders. As orders are fulfilled, shipment details can be sent back to Shein.


Manual Imports


Connect your Shein account to Order Desk by clicking on Manage Integrations under the Integrations menu in the left sidebar.

Select Shein from the Shopping Carts section and click Enable.

Alternatively, search for Shein from the available integration search.

Add your Key ID and Secret Key and click Connect to add Shein to your integrations. Please note, these are API credentials and differ from your Shein log in credentials. You must reach out to Shein directly for access to these.


Once enabled, you can set your preferences in the Shein integration settings.

View Available Products

Clicking this link will open a list of your available Shein products.

Shein Help

Click Need Help Getting Started? for access to helpful resources for using the Shein Integration.

Check For New Orders

Choose the frequency that you want orders to be brought in from Shein. Options are: Never, Every Twelve Hours, Every Six Hours, Every Two Hours, Every Hour.

Folder For New Orders

Choose the folder where newly downloaded orders should be placed. If needed, you can create custom folders from your Store Settings page.

Orders to Download

Choose the status of the orders you want Order Desk to download.

Sync Tracking Numbers

Order Desk can tell Shein when a tracking number is added to a shipment. To enable this, select Enabled for the Sync Tracking Numbers option.

Sync Inventory

If you want Order Desk to sync your inventory availability back to Shein, enable the Sync Inventory setting. As inventory counts are updated here, Order Desk will pass those numbers back over to Shein.

Order Prefix

If you need to add a prefix to your Shein orders as they are downloaded to Order Desk, set that here.

Country Filter

Use two digit country codes, separated by commas, to only import orders from specific countries. 

Add a - to exclude orders from specific countries.


US,CA,MX - only import orders for the United States, Canada and Mexico.
-US,-CA,-MX (or -US,CA,MX) - import all orders except for the United States, Canada and Mexico.

Inventory Location Filter

If you only want to download specific orders, you can use the Inventory Location Filter field to specify which ones you want. Enter multiple locations separated by a comma.

The inventory location name must match exactly as it is on your inventory items in Order Desk. When importing new orders from Shein, Order Desk will look at the SKUs on the items and compare to the SKUs in your inventory here. Any orders with items for a location that  isn't listed in this field will not be imported.

For this to work, your inventory must be added to Order Desk. The inventory Location should be set on each item. For details, please see How to Add Inventory and How to Store Extra Item Details.

First Import Date

Any orders previous to the date set here will not import into Order Desk.

Manual Imports

You can manually import orders or inventory items from Shein into Order Desk.

Manually Import Orders

When doing a manual order import Order Desk will download from the selected date. Orders that have already been imported will be ignored.

Manually Import Inventory Items

Click Request Product Download to download your Shein products into Order Desk.

For more information on working with inventory in Order Desk, please refer to the working with inventory details guide.

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