AnywherePOD Integration

Order Desk can integrate with AnywherePOD to add artwork for your print on demand items prior to submission to fulfillment partners.


Integration Settings
Sending Orders to AnywherePOD


To enable the integration, click on Manage Integrations in the left sidebar. Under the Productivity tab, find and enable the AnywherePOD integration.


Alternatively, search for AnywherePOD from the available integration search.

Setup Instructions

Enter your AnywherePOD Access Token and click to connect.

Please note that Order Desk isn’t able to help find or reset your credentials, as they can only be provided by AnywherePOD.

Integration Settings

Once connected, you can set your integration preferences.

AnywherePOD Help

Click Need Help Getting Started? for access to helpful resources for using AnywherePOD.

Artwork Error, Move To

Select the folder you want orders to be moved into if the addition of artwork to your items fails.

Item Details

The following fields can be set as variations or item metadata for each item in an order.

Field Name Field Description
design_sku If included, the data in this field will be sent to AnywherePOD. If no value is present in the design_sku field, the item SKU will be sent instead.
print_text_x Use to pass the print text for your print_url generation.
item_source_id Use to set the item source ID.

Sending Orders to AnywherePOD

To send orders for artwork to AnywherePOD, create a rule that tells Order Desk which orders you want sent.

From the Rule Builder, select the Order Rule rule type:

Select the event that will trigger the rule to run. Most merchants will choose Order is Imported.

Next set the filters that will tell Order Desk which orders should go to AnywherePOD (for example, all Amazon orders), and select the Order Artwork From AnywherePOD action:

This is just one example of a rule that can be made. 

Depending on where your orders are coming from and which orders (if not all of them) need to be submitted to AnywherePOD, you will need to create the necessary filter(s) for this rule to work properly. For more information on the Order Desk Rule Builder, read the How to Work with Rules guide.

Receiving Artwork from AnywherePOD

Once artwork has successfully been received from AnywherePOD, you can use the Artwork Order Received from AnywherePOD event to trigger a chosen action (e.g. submit orders for fulfillment).

If there is an error when your artwork is requested from AnywherePOD, the Artwork Order Error from AnywherePOD event can be used to trigger a chosen action (e.g. Send Email to Admin).

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