Billing Video

If you're ready to upgrade your Order Desk store, watch this video to answer any questions you may have about how the billing plans work, especially with multiple stores on a single account.

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The pricing in this video is not up to date. For more information on our current prices, please refer to our Pricing outline.


Can I try Order Desk for free before paying?

Yes! When you first sign up for Order Desk, you will have a 30 day free demo period to trial the app and all of its features. At the end of the 30 day period, you can choose a plan and upgrade if you want to continue using the app, or you can let your store lock itself. 

I already set up my store but I need to wait awhile before I can upgrade. Will I lose all of my work?

If your store locks, everything will be saved and available again when you are ready to upgrade.

Why did I get charged for all of these orders?

Every order in Order Desk, whether it splits, is duplicated, is copied into another store or is unfulfilled, counts towards the per-order fee. The pricing plans are set up so that each Order Desk store is accountable for its usage of the app, including the amount of orders that are being stored and processed in the app.

Why did my bill this month include orders from last month?

Billing plans for Order Desk cover two fees: one for the monthly subscription and one for the number of orders in your store. Since the number of orders that are added to Order Desk cannot be determined in advance, your bill will include the monthly fee for the upcoming month and the per-order fee from the previous month. 

Do I have to pay extra for each integration? 

With the exception of the Starter plan, which only allows 3 integrations, you can enable and use as many integrations as you need on an Order Desk store at no additional cost.

How do I delete my Order Desk store?

If you would like to delete your store, follow the steps in this guide to schedule deletion.

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